Govt. Degree College Chaubattakhal (Pauri Garhwal) Uttarakhand

Government Degree College Chaubattakhal (Pauri Garhwal) Uttarakhand

राजकीय महाविद्यालय चौबट्टाखाल (पौड़ी गढ़वाल) उत्तराखंड
NAAC Accredited Grade C (CGPA 2.0)

Affiliated to Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University Badshahithol, Tehri (Garhwal)

14th February 2025

Green Campus

Green protocol 2021-22

our motto

“save earth save life /  less waste more life”

Green Campus Initiative:-

Chaubattakhal – GDC College the self study report for evaluation by the national assessment accreditation council (NAAC) and is waiting for the peer team visit.

Apart from giving a technical push to the college library, promoting research and imparting quality education, the college has been turned into a green campus by taking a series of green initiative.

  • The college situated in the forest region mostly student and staff not using vehicles so college and their environment is also not produce green house gases.
  • The college has also set up A rain water harvesting plant and solar light on the campus. All college building build up in the criteria of green energy.
  • Promoting carry bags made of cloth, Jute and recyclable material.
  • Bring down the usage of paper academic assignments through E-Submission and online dissemination of study material.
  • Car parking (Parking facilities are created for two and four wheelers separately for avoid casualty to ensure safety)
  • Friendly pathways (pedestrian friendly pathways connecting the two blocks)
  • Ban on the use of plastic (The student and faculties are encouraged to make the campus garbage and plastic free zone)
  • Landscaping with trees and plants.
  • The college maintained ornamental garden around the campus and it also plants more trees and created of forest )
  • Trees in the campus of GDC chaubattakhal pauri
S.No.Botanical nameFamilyCommon name
2Cedrus deodaraPinaceaeDeodar
3QuercusFagaceaeOak (Banj)
4Citrus sinensisRutaceaeSweet orange
5Palatycladus orientalisCupressaceaeMorpankh
6Rosa rubiginosaRosaceaeGulab

(Mr. Dhananjay Tripathi)
Assistant Professor, Political Science
Mob.- 8317017844