Govt. Degree College Chaubattakhal (Pauri Garhwal) Uttarakhand

Government Degree College Chaubattakhal (Pauri Garhwal) Uttarakhand

राजकीय महाविद्यालय चौबट्टाखाल (पौड़ी गढ़वाल) उत्तराखंड
NAAC Accredited Grade C (CGPA 2.0)

Affiliated to Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University Badshahithol, Tehri (Garhwal)

13th February 2025

Admission Procedure

                     Students will obtain application forms from the college office and after duly filling it, they will submit the same before the last date. The candidates will be interviewed for admission. They must be personally present before the admission committee at the time of interview with their original certificates/credentials, in order to get their admission recommended and get their signatures attested. Admission will be granted only after deposition of the original transfer certificate (T.C.) and the character certificate (C.C.) by the candidate. Identity card from the college will be issued to the admitted student as soon as he/she deposits the fee. The candidates will have to be present compulsorily before the admission committee and it will not be possible to grant admission in case a candidate remains absent.

  • The candidates whose admission is sanctioned will have to deposit the prescribed fee within the prescribed time period in the State Bank of India Chaubattakhal. Failure to do so will lead to automatic cancellation of the admission and the next candidate in merit will be given admission.
  • In case of failure to get admission in a particular faculty, the same admission form may not be used for admission to another faculty. If a candidate does not hope to get admission in a particular faculty and if he is desirous of seeking admission in another faculty, he may apply separately for admission to such faculty before the prescribed date
  • Time table will be pasted on the notice board immediately after the last date of admission and teaching shall commence accordingly.
  • It is compulsory for each student to carry the identity card. Entry to the college campus without identity card is prohibited.
  • To prevent misuse of the identity card, the arrangement has been made that in case of loss of the identity card, the student concerned will submit an application with an affidavit to the Proctorial Board to this effect. The Proctorial Board will make a detailed inquiry and issue a second copy of the identity card. If a student is caught with a forged identity card, the college administration will initiate disciplinary and legal action against the student.
  • Change of faculty and subjects will be allowed conditionally.
  • Student failing in any class will not be re-admitted to the same class.
  • The  Govt.  Degree College Chaubattakhal is affiliated to Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University Badshahithol, Tehri (Garhwal), U.K. and the syllabus is in accordance with the same as directed by the university.

                                                                                                       Telephone – 7906048082

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College PPT 2023-24